All are welcome to attend our South Shore Shabbat Service – CBJ is the host this year!
For the past several years, seven reform temples located on the South Shore have been observing Erev Shabbat services together. CBJ has been participating in this collaborative Shabbat service for the past couple of years, since Rabbi Mills became our rabbi. This is a remarkable event as the rabbis and cantors from each congregation lead us all in worship. Each year, this service is hosted by a different congregation, and it is our turn this year. Please mark your calendars and plan to come out that evening as we sing, pray, and share the Shabbat experience as a community. This service will be both at our Temple and online via Zoom.
We are privileged to have Rabbi Josh Weinberg as our guest speaker that night. You may read more about him below.
Rabbi Josh Weinberg
Vice President, Israel and Reform Zionism and Executive Director, ARZA (the Association of Reform Zionists of America)

Rabbi Josh Weinberg serves as the Vice President of the URJ for Israel and Reform Zionism and is the Executive Director of ARZA, the Association of Reform Zionists of America. He was ordained from the HUC-JIR Israeli Rabbinic Program in Jerusalem, and is currently living in New York. Josh previously served as the Director of the Israel program for the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College and as a faculty member of NFTY-EIE High School in Israel teaching Jewish History. Josh is a reserve officer in the IDF spokesperson’s unit, has hiked the Israel-trail, and came on Aliyah to Israel in 2003.
Originally from Chicago, he has a B.A. from University of Wisconsin in Hebrew Literature, Political Science and International Relations, and an M.A. at the Hebrew University in Jewish Education.
Josh has taught and lectured widely throughout Israel, the U.S. and Europe, as well as on Kivunim and Shnat Netzer gap-year programs. He has led numerous tours and trained tour educators for the Reform movement’s Israel experiences. In addition to being a “STorahtelling Mayven,” Josh has a passion for the environment and spends lots of time outdoors hiking and climbing, playing music and volleyball. Josh is passionate about anything connected to Israel and hopes to strengthen the connection between the Reform movement and the Jewish State. He is married to Mara Sheftel Getz, and is the proud abba of Noa, Ella, Mia, and Alma.
Please join us in person, and join us for an Oneg following the service, or you can view the service remotely using Zoom.
Further information and the Zoom link is available in our Weekly Update and our Shabbat Zoom link is also found in the member only section of this website. If you need help, contact