Simchat Torah! Don’t Miss This!
October 25, Simchat Torah Potluck Hotdog Supper at 6:00 pm; Service and Concert by BerKalit at 7:00 pm at CBJ
BerKalit, a national award-winning A Cappella group from the Berklee College of Music, is coming to Plymouth, where they will enhance our Simchat Torah service with beautiful music and infuse our Torah procession with a new level of joy! BerKalit is comprised of members from several religions who share a love for singing Jewish music. Do not miss this very special experience! Founded by Mayta Cohen, BerKalit is comprised of members from several religions who share a love for singing Jewish music. Do not miss this very special experience!
This concert is being partially funded by the Milly & Ray Russo Fund for Culture and the Arts. (Thank you, Mark Russo!) We welcome any additional voluntary donations to defray the cost.
To see YouTube videos of BerKalit, click on the following links:
Birchot Havdalah (by Debbie Friedman)
Mi Shebeirach (by Debbie Friedman)
The concert will be preceded by a “Torah Scroll” dinner (miniature hot dogs wrapped in dough to represent Torahs.) Thank you to Kate Engel, who has volunteered to coordinate the dinner and who will be making all of the hot dog scrolls! CLICK HERE to sign up for contributions of baked beans, non-dairy salads, side dishes and condiments to complete the meal. https://www.
Above information copied from our Weekly Update
Join CBJ for a very special Erev Shabbat service. We will celebrate Simchat Torah with a communal dinner beginning at 6:00 PM, followed by our Shabbat service and visiting a cappella singers in concert at 7:00 PM.