Our April hybrid service will be on April 22. We will welcome the return to eating chametz by featuring the customs of Maimouna, a traditional Sephardic Jewish celebration.
It will be conducted both in-person and on Zoom. All are welcome to attend.
Yizkor Service – 6:30pm
Shabbat Service – 7:00pm
Oneg will follow for those attending in person with both Maimouna and traditional kosher l’pesach offerings.
Click here to view, download, or print a copy of the special Maimouna Service.
Face masks must be worn by everyone who attends services and/or events inside the synagogue, and we request attendees to have been vaccinated. Please let us know if you plan to attend in person by sending an email to RSVP@cbjplymouth.org .
Zoom link will be found in the Weekly Update. If you need help, contact Newsletter@cbjplymouth.org