Repro Shabbat Service – in person and by Zoom

February 9, 2024    
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

All are welcome to attend our Repro Shabbat Service. This service will be both at our Temple and online via Zoom. 

Repro Shabbat is an annual Shabbat celebration that honors the Jewish value of reproductive freedom. It takes place annually on Parshat Mishpatim, the reading of which contains the verses commonly referenced as the foundation of Judaism’s approach to reproductive health, rights, and justice. Individuals and communities across the world gather to celebrate Repro Shabbat and the Jewish traditions it honors. 

Please join us in person, and join us for an Oneg following the service, or you can view the service remotely using Zoom.

Further information and the Zoom link is available in our Weekly Update and the Zoom link is also in the member only section of this website.   If you need help, contact