Erev Shabbat Service and Pot Luck Supper at 6 pm; In-person and Zoom

January 10, 2025    
6:00 pm - 8:15 pm

All are welcome to attend our Shabbat Services.

Start the evening with a Pot Luck Supper in the Social Hall at 6 pm, followed by Erev Shabbat Service at 7 pm.  Enjoy Shabbat Dinner with old and new friends.  Meet or become better acquainted with members and guests of Congregation Beth Jacob.

To Sign Up:  Please rsvp to .  Let us know how many will be coming for the potluck and what you plan to bring.  The meal will be “Kosher style,” Italian-themed, Dairy, vegetarian or Pareve  (No meat, pork or shellfish).

Further information and the Zoom link is available in our Weekly Update and the Zoom link is also in the member only section of this website.   If you need help, contact