Outdoor Erev Shabbat and Musical Lag B’omer Service – In person and on Zoom

May 16, 2025 - June 27, 2025    
6:00 pm - 8:15 pm

Please join us for a Summer outdoor Shabbat service and campfire, or watch the service on Zoom.  Cantorial musician, Rachmiel Klein, will augment our enjoyment of this service.

Come early with a picnic, if you wish.  This service and campfire will be at the Fernald/Portney home with the service shared on Zoom.  The picnic starts at 6:00, and the service begins at 7:00.  Please bring a lawn chair.

Further information and the Zoom link will be available in our Weekly Update and also in the member only section of this website.   If you need help, contact Newsletter@cbjplymouth.org